Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quick, smooth and shiny hair tip


I recently discovered this tip accidentally. I never thought that it actually made a difference. I'm sure you guys heard of it before. :) 

Get your favourite hair mask. I still have my Asience Inner Rich Treatment so I used that on that particular day. If interested, please do check out this product review (here). 

1. Shampoo your head and rinse. Squeeze out excess water from your hair.

2. Press a dollop of the product on the palm of your hands, bring both of your hands together (like you're about to clap). This will ensure that even amount of product is applied all over your hair. 

P.S - It isn't advisable to literally clap your hands, the product will make a mess all over the place. :P 

3. Concentrate the hair mask on your hair ends. Excess will be applied on your middle part of your hair length (is there a particular word? if yes, please do let me know) and a little on your scalp. (avoid applying on your scalp area if you are prone to having dandruff)

4. Tie your hand into a bun while you brush your teeth etc. (The longer you leave it on, the longer your hair will reap its benefits)

5. Rinse your hair with cold water.

6. Dry your hair with a fan for 15-30 minutes or air dry.

Viola! It really does work wonders. It left my hair tangled free and smooth for two consecutive days. If you haven't try it, please do try it and let me know! :)

The best way to flaunt a good-hair-day is to let it be natural - Amanda Rouge


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