Hello lovelies,
For those who are wearing contact lens, you might find it pretty drying throughout the day. I am a user myself.
You might be tempted to pull out your trusty eye-drops but stop!
My optician once told me that frequent usage of eye-drops will cause the natural moisture of the eyes to reduce. This is because, your eyes has become dependent on it. So instead of producing its natural moisture to combat dryness, it "waits" for its artificial moisture.
I find that yawning really helps in moistening the eye. The trick is to do long body stretches and after a while, you will feel the urge to yawn.
Of course the real yawning is better as i feel more teary-eyed compared to an induced yawning.
Everyone wants to look beautiful or better and for me, contact lenses does give me the extra boost of confidence.
Just remember to do your best not to wear it frequently as it can thin out your iris. This impedes future prospect of undergoing lasik eye surgery.
Also, please wear less than 8 hours a day as the lenses does not completely allow oxygen to enter your eyes. Sure you can get oxygen from breathing, but it is much quicker in diffusion through the eyes.
Please do tell me if yawning works for you. Until next time.
"Your eyes are the window to your soul and the pathway to see the world. Cherish them"
Avec amour,

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