As the title states, today's post will be something special. Today marks the 6th of April 2011. My grandma's younger brother passed away yesterday. He's one year younger than my beloved grandma and my grandma is 81 this year. For those readers who aren't interested in this post, which isn't anything related to beauty - please just stop reading this instant. :) This post is something personal about me and something I would like to share with all of you out there who have special bonds with your love ones.
No one can run away from death, love, memories, bonds or relationships. Neither could I. My grandma and I formed special relationship since I was at a tender age. I was taken care by my grandma since I was a baby. I was a quiet baby but became a naughty and playful child. My grandma would always complain to my mum about mischievous escapades that I was up to. My mum response? It was time for the cane. Alas, my grandma would always shield me from my mum's beating while saying "She's just a child" over and over again in Hokkien (one of the Chinese dialect) until my mum stopped trying to hit me with the rattan cane. Ouch.
One memory I was most fond of was the time my grandma took me to the morning market on a bicycle. I would always wrap my hands around her body, feeling the wind across my face, looking at the scenery around me and hearing her joke or laugh about something. It was a morning ritual for the both of us.
As years go by, my grandma aged and she became frail. She use to be the one that was stronger than everyone in the house, the one that cooked daily scrumptious meals and made all of us feel warm and homey. She was loved by all of us. As time pass, taking care of her needed time and patience. Especially when it comes to taking care of the elder ones. My grandma had 5 kids. Alas, it was the youngest child - my mother that took care of her. My grandma started slowly losing her memories about 2-3 years ago, my heart started to become more in pain.
Today, my aunt told me that she went to the temple to ask about my grandma. The person at the temple said there wasn't much time for my grandma left. That struck a chord in the bottom pits of my heart about the times I find myself having the impatience when I take care of her. I felt a pang of guilt, hurt and pain. Then I thought of the sweet memories that I had with my grandma... The memories that I could never replace. The times that my grandma tend to my needs and took care the rest of my four siblings. Who could ever replace her tender loving kindness? Not to mention that my grandma actually took care of 13 of her grandchildren, including me. That's a lot isn't it?
By now readers will be like, "What? That's bull crap, how could you believe such a thing?" I didn't believe whatever the person at the temple said, I just suddenly felt the spidery fear that crawled all over my heart if I had lost my grandma.
My point of this whole story was to remind you to cherish your love ones. No matter how many tears you shed after your love ones are gone, your tears would never resurrect them again. Please, fellow readers - love them, before it is too late. And please, repay kindness and love to those who have, had always love you.
"Love them with all your heart" - Amanda Rouge
With love,

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